Sunday, June 3, 2007

I Noticed Something...

I noticed something while watching two episodes: The Man Behind The Curtain and Through The Looking Glass. First, Insiderscoop at the DarkUFO Blog didn't post the meeting with Jacob and the Locke being shot scene. I loved that episode that much more because I didn't know what was going to happen then. Then, during the finale, I look back on it and realise how much more I would have loved it (don't get me wrong - amazing episode) if I didn't know what was going to happen. I'm sure you all can guess where I'm going with this. I'm not saying 'Down With DarkUFO!' or anything like that, I infact am encouraging him to post MORE spoilers if anything, for those that want them. I just am going to avoid spoilers from now on. I'm sorry to any of the few people that read this blog and liked it, thanks for your continued visitations, but I am going spoiler-free from here on out. I would pass this blog off to someone else, but It requires my personal email and password to gain access, and I don't know of anyway to change that stuff. I am still definitely going to obsess over lost, I'm still subscribed to LOSTcasts, Jay and Jack, The Lost Community, Dharmalars, Cranky Fanatic, the Official Lost Podcast, and the Lost Podcasting Network (a lot I know), and I still regularly visit the other parts of Dark UFO's site and the Fuselage (my username on there is Painki11er), and several other LOST related sites. I just am not going to do spoilers anymore. Once again, I'm sorry to the few of you who liked this blog, and thanks for your support.


Anonymous said...

What about *just* doing the next week on Lost, and that's it?

Spencer said...

do you mean just the spoilers for the next episode? If you do, i'm still sorry, I just really want to try enjoying the show as spoiler free as possible. Once again, sorry