AIRS MARCH 14, 2007 AT 10PM
UPDATE: NOW HAS EPISODE SYNOPSIS AT BOTTOM (credit once again goes to Dark UFO)
Official ABC episode description: Charlie exhibits peculiar behavior when Claire has an idea that could get everyone rescued; tensions mount between Sayid and Locke as they continue their journey to rescue Jack.
Canadian Promo:
Sneak Peek #1:
Sneak Peeks 2 & 3:

Kristin at E! Online- “Claire and jack are related, and we'll find out before they do.”
Kristin at E! Online- there will be an Aussie Doctor and Cop this episode.
Digital Spy's "Tube Talk"- The source states that Claire will die trying to rescue Charlie from a huge accident. It is reported that the episode will also see the last of baby Aaron. (NOTE: I’m always suspicious about these death spoilers, so I’m not sure how accurate this is, especially because it says the baby will die too).
www.buddytv.com - Claire's plan, as the title betrays, is to use messenger birds. She enlists the aid of Sun and Jin to capture the birds which she will then attach messages to in hopes that one will be brainy enough to deliver it to someone who cares. Sayid, it seems, figures that Locke is acting out of his own interest in trying to discover the Islands secrets, without taking into consideration the safety of those around him.
ABC Medianet - Christian and Lindsey are back. Also guest starring are Julian Barnes as Dr. Woodruff, Rhett Biles as Officer Barnes, Danan Pere as ER doctor, Anne Elizabeth Logan as head nurse and John Medlen as man at crash site.
On the Island, Tom, Danielle Rousseau and Mikhail are back.
TV Guide - Henry Ian Cusick: "'I tell Charlie, 'whatever Claire has in store for you, don't go with it, because it's gonna be your end'"........
USA Today- "It goes back to when Claire is 17," [Emilie] de Ravin says. "There's a big jump from where her life is now to where it was then. I play a completely different character because her life is so dramatically different - a lot of very deep emotional issues there that she's still dealing with on the island." De Ravin sports a black wig for this flashback to Claire's dark teenage phase. "You meet her parents and see what she's been dealing with," de Ravin says.
ABC previews- Sayid and Locke argue over the importance of Eko's stick, and over why Locke blew up the Flame. The Losties find the Cerberus Vents, Mikhail escapes and runs towards the vents. Mikhail apparently knows Locke.
Claire wakes up in a car accident saved by the airbag apparently. Her mother was ejected through the windshield and ends up in a coma. She wakes up on the island from a nap to see that Charlie prepared a breakfast picnic on the beach. Desmond interrupts and insists that Charlie spend the day hunting with him. A flock of seagulls fly overhead and Claire has a plan to help them get rescued. Because of Desmond, Charlie blows off Claire’s idea. Claire gets mad at Charlie again. Claire is in the hospital where police blame her for the car accident. All of her mother’s medical expenses are being paid by Claire’s father, whom she believed to be dead. As many people predicted it was Dr. Shepard, and the woman he fights with in the other episode [Two For The Road] was Claire’s aunt. They share a coffee and Dr. Shepard suggests that Claire should kill her mom. Since the laws in Australia do not allow you to take someone off life support he was going to tell her how achieve the same result. Claire doesn't even want to know his name and tells him to go away. Meanwhile, Claire gets Jin and Sun to set a trap to catch a seagull. Just before catching one, Desmond shoots his rifle at a boar (or so he claims). Claire is furious and wants to know why Charlie and Desmond don’t want her to catch a bird. She follows Desmond and he gets a seagull from between some rocks.
Claire - How did you know that was there?
Desmond - I didn’t.
Claire - You must have, you came straight here.
Desmond - This is where Charlie died. He slipped between these rocks and the waves bounced him around and broke his neck.
Claire - What are you talking about.? [He explains everything off camera.]
When she finds Charlie, she tells him he’ll be okay, and they write a note and attach it to the seagull.
Sayid’s group is using the map to find the others camp.
Sayid - It should be a few miles away if this map is to scale.
Locke - It’s an electrical wiring map Sayid, I’m not so sure it’s as accurate as you think.
Sayid responds -It’s certainly not as infallible as the magical carvings on your stick.
Locke -The stick did get us to that station.
Sayid -You mean the station that you accidentally blew up?
Locke -If you’d warn me that the station was rigged with C4, I might have been more careful.
Patchy claims that his people were brought here by a magnificent man, who is NOT Ben. They came by submarine. They would not be able to find their way back if they left because the underwater beacon stopped working two weeks ago when the hatch blew. Kate asks why you would want to come back to which he replied your not capable of understanding, because you are not on the list. You are not on the list because you are flawed.
Sayid - don’t talk like you know us.
Mikhail - How could I know you Sayid Jarahh, or you Kate Austin? But you John Locke, the John Locke I knew was Para-
Daniele interrupts - We're here.
They walk out of the jungle to the big alarm or security system. Patchy says it hasn’t worked in years. Locke grabs Patchy and pushes him between the fence pylons. He turns and says thank you to Locke and then gets killed by a sonic pulse (we assume). To go over the fence, they need Locke’s ax from his bag. Locke wants to get it first, but sayid opens Locke’s bag and discovers a packet of C4. They get into it again [arguing], but nothing gets resolved. They cut a tree and climb over the pylon. When they arrive to the others camp they see the town. People are walking around and riding bikes. We pan right and see Jack running right toward us.
Kate - Jack!
She tries to come out of the bushes but Sayid stops her. Jack turns around and catches a football. He then throws it to Tom. He then catches another pass and spikes it like he scored a touch down. Kate looks on incredulously. The end.
Sites Visited This Week:
Spoilerslost.blogspot.com (Darkufo’s blog)
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